Interview of an Essential Worker

An interview with my dad, Mr. Mohit Porwal, who works in KOC as a Marine Pilot.

As a Marine Pilot what do you do?

As a Marine Pilot my job is to bring ships inside the port for loading operation and after loading is finished, I bring the ship back safely to open water.

What will happen if you don’t do your job?

If we, Marine Pilots, don’t do our job then the ship cannot come inside the port that means oil cannot be exported and this will affect the country financially.

For bringing the ship inside the port, how do you reach the ship?

We reach the ship using a small boat call pilot boat.

What are the precautions taken by the Kuwait port?

When a ship comes to Kuwaiti water, it is asked to drop anchor then a doctor goes on the ship to check all the crew members on board. If everyone’s temperature is normal and there is no symptom of the virus, he gives the clearance. After the clearance is given, we board the ship taking all the necessary precautions like mask, hand gloves, face shield and disposable boiler suit.

What will be the steps taken if the doctor finds out that there is a corona infected person on the ship?

In that case the doctor will not give clearance and the ship will not be brought in.

It may happen that you need to go to the office during the curfew hours, in that situation what will you do?

For that situation we are given curfew pass. If I need to go to work during the curfew hours I activate the curfew pass.

Till now has there been any case of corona?

No, due to our good procedure no pilot is infected with corona virus till date.

What will be the steps taken if any marine pilot is found infected?

In case of any pilot is found infected with corona virus we will follow the procedures laid down by Kuwaiti government and KOC HSE department.

Manya Porwal 8H