
Q 1- If four women can bake four pies in four hours, how many pies can eight women bake in eight hours? Ans: 16

Q 2- You find me once in the morning, twice in the afternoon but never in the evening. What am I? Ans- The letter ‘O’

Q 3- Sometimes I go backwards but often I go forward; I can trip, I can dance. Just play the right music and I’ll even do the conga. What am I? Ans- Feet

Q 4-I can be late, I can be early, I can be astronomical or atomic and my insides are incredibly complex. What am I? Ans: Clock

Q 5 - I am a ball yet I can’t bounce up and down. I am often yellow, white or brown. Even though they seem to be sad, people still cut me so bad. What am I? Ans: Onion

Q 6- I can jump, I can climb, I swing from tree to tree with my many legs and I make a house much bigger than myself. What am I? Ans: Spider

Q 7- What has many keys but can’t open a single lock? Answer: A piano

Q 8- What gets bigger when more is taken away? Answer: A hole

Q 9- I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I? Answer: Your breath

Richa Patel 7F