1. Pigeon can find their way back to nest from 1300 miles away.

2. The highest mountain discovered is the Olympus Mons (16 miles) which is located on Mars. (the height of Mount Everest is 5.5 miles).

3. We always see the same side of the moon, no matter where we stand on earth. This is because the Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that it rotates the Earth. It is known as synchronous rotation or tidal locking.

4. Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest. It can fly at levels up to 29,525 feet above sea level - higher than the planet's tallest mountain.

5. Snake can sense a coming earthquake from 121 km away up to five days before it happens.

6. Amsterdam's Royal Palace sits on 13659 wooden poles. These wooden poles are fixed into a sandy layer over 35 feet below ground level.

7. The letter 'A' doesn't appear in a written number until you reach one thousand. Also the letter 'M' also doesn't appear until you reach "one million". (If you don't count the 'and' in between the numbers , like four hundred and ten)

8. NASA's internet speed is 91 GB per second. Normal household internet speeds are roughly 25 MB per second.

9. Cheetah can reach up to 62 miles per hour in five seconds.

10. The human brain is made up of roughly 75% water.

11. Before trees existed, Earth was covered with giant white mushrooms. These huge fungi were 24 feet tall and three feet wide, and covered most of the earth's surface.

12. There are Sharks which can live for up to 500 years.

13. There are 70 km of nerves in the body.

14. On statues, a horse's legs tell you how the statue figure died. If a horse has both its front legs in the air, then the person died in battle. If the horse has one of its front legs in the air, they died of wounds received from a battle.

15. Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun. Banana goes through a process called "negative geotropism". Instead of growing towards the ground, they start growing towards sun.

Mohammad Zohaib Anwer 5K