My Favourite Dream

I always wished to see how heaven looked. My wish was granted in a dream and I found myself standing in front of a large golden gate. First I thought it would be a palace. Then suddenly the gate opened on its own. I looked around and saw lots of fluffy clouds. And when I looked towards the gate I saw a bright light.

I was amazed. I saw beautiful angels flying around, some playing trumpets, others dancing and still others singing. Then I remembered the one thing I wished to do if I ever went to heaven, I wanted to meet my grandfathers. So I ran around and on the way I saw many saints and angels and the most beautiful garden ever.

Then I saw a long corridor marked with names of souls. Then I discovered that it was in alphabetical order. An angel helped me find my grandfathers and I enjoyed spending time with them. Then I saw the throne were God was sitting. It was made out of gold .Before I could even see God closer my mom woke me up.

Benet Varghese Benny 5G