Autobiography of Laptop

I am Laptop. Long time ago, Charles Babbage invented me. I am very famous nowadays. I have many relatives such as my grandparents- the supercomputers, my parents-the desktops and friends- palmtop, smart watch etc. We are a very happy family and our number continues to grow each day. When after a long day of work I become exhausted, my owner gives me food i.e. he charges my battery. In a while, I feel energetic and I am ready to be back to work again. One day I fell down from a table and I got hurt, so my owner took me to the hospital- a repair shop and I became well.

However, nowadays my owners don’t step out of their homes. They sit on their beds or couches and stare at my screen almost all day long. I am kept extremely busy as my owners are using me for doing their online classes, Zoom conferences, meetings etc. In their times of trial, it is me they have turned to. I am proud of my computer family as we do a lot of work for our friends- the humans.

Gargi V. Dabare 6G